Know your numbers

Mar 22, 2021

In last week’s blog I spoke about personal accountability when it comes to Climate Change. 

Link to Blog; 

I also shared my own story of how I became empowered to start doing something about Climate Change myself, however small the action. I learned and still advocate for taking ownership of your own daily life and how you can lessen your impact on the environment, because small actions DO count.

Therefore this week I wanted to pick up from the conversation that started last week.

How do we influence people to feel the same empowerment? 

How do we make them see that there is something that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US can do? 

If you do not know what it is you can do, you will feel like it is an impossible task and so therefore you will not do anything about it. It becomes a problem for the “impossible box” and you feel demoralised, despair, powerless.

For me, empowerment comes from education, from knowledge. As the saying goes - there is power in knowledge.

If you want to start feeling more confident in your abilities to join the fight against climate change, the first thing you need to do is: Know your Numbers.

What does that mean?

Simply put, it means learning what your current impact on the environment is. This might seem obvious to some or pointless to others, however it has been proven time and time again that this is powerful data.

These figures will show you what your own carbon emissions are right now compared to your carbon emissions in the future.

You will have the ability to really establish if your efforts are working and if you are indeed reducing your impact on the environment.

Without this data, you won’t know how successful your quest is and you will never be able to say with certainty that your environmental efforts are working.

Data is key to giving you that powerful mind-set change that there are indeed things you can do to fight climate change. 

Calculating these numbers is easier than it might sound. All you need is:

  • An excel spreadsheet – email me if you want one [email protected] 
  • Your energy bills.
  • Your waste bills.
  • Your commitment to spend 10 minutes every couple of months analysing the figures.


THAT’S IT. That is all it takes to take the first step towards taking control of your own carbon emissions and your own story against climate change.

Have you any questions about environmental sustainability? If you do pop me them on our social media channels or email us, we would love to hear from you!



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