SDG Series - Life Below Water - Sustainable Development Goal 14


In 2015, leaders from 193 different countries agreed on 17 global goals they felt the world needed to achieve by 2030. Goal 14 Life Below water focuses on the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. 

Healthy oceans and seas are essential for our well-being. They make up 70% of our planet and they play a crucial role in providing us with food, energy, and water. However, we've done a lot of harm to these valuable resources.

It’s more urgent than ever to act and protect marine life.

In today’s blog, we’ll understand how important these incredible and complex ecosystems are, and how SDG 15 wants to protect life below water.

Who lives below water?

Millions of species are living in marine ecosystems. Down there, we can find a huge collection of life, from the tiniest invisible bacteria to the giant blue whale, the biggest animal to ever live on Earth…

Let´s picture just a small...

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