'Luxsustainability' - Sustainable Luxury Tourism

When we think of luxury within hospitality, we think 5 star hotels and spas, Michelin star restaurants and extravagant comfort. Often, we don’t associate sustainability with this opulent experience.

However, incorporating practices into your operation that reduce the impact you are having environmentally and socially, does not mean an automatic compromise of the service that you provide your customers.

What does sustainable tourism look like to you? When defining this term, the UN World Tourism Organisation explains that it is:


“Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.”


A recent study from the accommodation platform giant AIRBNB and ‘think tank’ Economist Impact, on nearly 5,000 travelers from over 9 different countries, highlighted some revealing trends in relation to how people want to travel...

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