International Green Business Awards

Nov 16, 2020

It does not feel like award season this year, does it?

The fancy dinners in black ties are long gone from our diary’s as we try to stay away from social contact and everything we now as “normal”.

But it stills remains, more important than ever, to recognize those businesses that achieve a level of excellence. Those businesses that despite the current pandemic, are putting the environment at the forefront of their operations.

I know a few of them….Do you know any?


We want to hear what you have done on your sustainability journey, and we want to recognize your efforts.

Fifty Shades Greener has launched the International Green Business award recognition. This is NOT A COMPETITION against your peers, but it recognizes and achieved standard, for any business in any industry.

In order to apply you will need to:

  • Summarise the last 12 months of your green programme
  • Provide environmental training to your employees
  • Demonstrate you have established your business Green Key Performance Indicators and you monitor them at least on a monthly basis.

The application process can be completed in our website

Unfortunately, not everyone that applies can win this recognition, but if you do not enter, you are never going to win! If you have just got started on your business Green Journey tell us about it, you might not win this year but our consultants will give you feedback to improve your green programme and be in a winning position next year.

While there are many benefits to holding Green Awards, these are the ones that matter to us:

  1. Bring international recognition to your business for your efforts to run a greener operation.
  2. Gain access to the green consumer market segment, increasing your customer footfall.
  3. Prove to your customers that you are serious about your green programme and your care for the environment.
  4. Gain access to the Fifty Shades Greener Green Business Award logo for your website.
  5. Display the Green Business Award plaque at your premises.
  6. Create greater awareness for the need of greener industries and stand out from your competitors.

You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain, and no matter at what point of your Green Journey you are, our team is here to help.




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