Selecting the right people and motivating them to help you Green your business is an essential part of the process. This report will give you some quick tips as to who might be best to select within your team.
A winning Green Team
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Are you currently experiencing this in your hospitality business?
- Ā You feel at lost on how to implement a sustainability strategy
- Ā Your utility bills are on the rise and you donāt know what more you can do to reduce the cost?
- Ā You have high energy costs?
- Ā You have high water costs?
- Ā You have high landfill charges?
- Ā You are wasting food?
This FREE guideĀ can be the starting pointĀ of your sustainability journey, assiting you to form a winning green team.
Do you want to learn how to become a Green Manager in the Hospitality industry?
The Green Manager
Why are Green Teams important?
The mistake many businesses make is to think they can appoint a Sustainability manager and tick the box for climate action.
The reality is, one person cannot change the culture of an organisation.
Sustainability needs to be embeded from the top down but also the bottom up.
It is employees on the floor, operating the business activities everyday,Ā that have a profound effect on the implementation of any sustainability strategy.