

EU supports clinic on green jobs and youth engagement in Oman

Raquel Noboa travelled to Oman to deliver a keynote speech as part of the EU Clinic “Green Jobs and The Youth Perspective"

World's Leaders

Raquel Noboa featured in World's Leader Managzine for leading the charge in environmental education across the world.

Ultimate guide to CSRD

CSRD applies to all businesses within the European Union, including subsidiaries of foreign companies located and doing business in Europe.

The very Questionable Sustainability of Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak cartons are becoming more and more common on our shop shelves... but are they a solution?

FSG wins the Princess Royal Training Awards

Honouring and celebrating employers who believe and can prove that investing in training their staff has resulted in exceptional benefits for their business.

Is language a barrier to sustainability?

Read Raquel's article in FE News where she delves into the use of language sometimes becoming a barrier to understanding sustainability.

Sustainable development goals series 

In this blog series, the FSG Team analysed each of those goals and provided tips on how we can support each goal.


The green light of Ireland award 2023

The award is giving to organisations demonstrating an outstanding contribution to sustainability in the tourism & hospitality sector.

ESG is crucial for business success

ESG has become a hot topic in the boardrooms, and an increasing requirement for investors, employees and customers. As a business, If ESG regulations don’t affect you yet, they will soon. 

The Business Post 2021 

Fifty Shades Greener teaches hotel owners how to reduce their carbon emissions, and cut operating costs, by lowering the amount of energy and water they use and the waste they generate.


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