Fast Fashion - The Journey of Winter Jumper & Bobble Hat


Fast fashion refers to cheap, trendy clothing that samples ideas from the catwalk or celebrity culture and turns them into garments in high street stores at lightning speed to meet consumer demand. 

The idea is to get the newest styles on the market, so shoppers can purchase them when in style & discard them after a few wears. 

Imagine this winter you buy a lovely jumper and bobble hat.... Let's take a little look at these garments' journey.



What are these items made of?  

Cheap fabrics like polyester, polyurethane, rayon, spandex, nylon, made from non-renewable fossil fuels - petrochemical textiles. They require an immense amount of energy and resources to be produced. .  

Cheap, toxic textile dyes - Today, 90% of our clothes are dyed synthetically and require incredible amounts of water and often toxic...

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SDG Series - Decent Work and Economic Growth - Sustainable Development Goal 8


UN SDG 8 main goal is to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. However, according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), 28 million were in forced labor in 2021.

In today’s blog, we’ll learn about the current forced labor reality and the meaning of decent work and sustainable economic growth.

Forced Labour – modern slavery behind your favourite brands?

Forced Labour refers to situations in which persons are coerced to work through the use of violence or intimidation, or by more subtle means such as manipulated debt, retention of identity papers, or threats of denunciation to immigration authorities. It is also called modern slavery because it refers to situations of exploitation, where a person cannot refuse or cannot leave because of threats, violence, coercion, deception, or abuse of power. Some important facts to know:

  • Women and migrants are more likely to be involved in...
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People & Climate

Inequality amongst the human race is something that has caused a lot of pain and suffering over the centuries, and unfortunately, injustice continues in present times.

Let’s look to the past to inform our present. The foundations of many of today’s inequities are centuries old and they have remained through centuries of change.

Slavery, being one of the most insidious, with its first peak in ancient Egypt and the Roman empire.  One might think that in modern times slavery does not exist anymore, but unfortunately, in 2019 approximately 40 million people, of whom 26 percent were children, were enslaved throughout the world, despite it being illegal.   

It is shocking to me that slavery is still happening in our society. For many people across the globe the term “slavery” is something of the past, historic. It is hard to grasp this concept because we don’t see it with our own eyes, but it is a plight of our time.

So how does slavery...

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