Urban Gardening

In today’s opinion piece we are looking at the concept of ‘Urban Gardens’.  

People are becoming more and more creative, and inventive with very little space: planting vegetable & flower gardens on rooftops, salad and herbs on balconies and windowsills.  

Growing our own food is not only a tasty and healthy option, but also empowering. Having the knowledge of where our food is coming from and what has gone into its growth, for example, knowing that no pesticides have been used. Plus, it reduces carbon emissions as it does not have to travel miles to get to your plate! 

Space is a factor for many businesses considering urban gardening as they may not have what is needed for more commercial growth.  

There are now a number of companies who have come up with solutions.  I met with Dan O’Brien from ‘Farmony’  who provides indoor vertical farms, which use hydroponics and have a range of options:...

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Sustainable Food - the Why and the How

Food is necessary for human survival, yet, over the last few decades, the fast-paced society and world capitalist economies have slowly but surely made us lose our connection with the food we eat.

Producing food requires a huge environmental effort: land that has been deforested, species that have been driven to extinction, indigenous populations that have been made homeless, uprooted soil that has been degraded and a huge amount of water used.

The reality of the modern global food systems is that we produce way more food than we need to, 30% of it ends up in the bin before it even reaches our supermarkets, while millions of people in the world die of starvation.

It is clear that our food systems are broken and a total re-think of those systems needs to happen on a global scale, to create a system that is sustainable at all points of our food journey. From its production, processing, transportation and even disposal at the end of its food cycle.

Environmentally, one of the most...

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It’s starting to look a lot like Amazon!


While I am sure you have all seen by now many posts about “Shopping local this Christmas” the message is soooo important that I could not pass this opportunity to give you my opinion.

According to digitalcommerce360, Amazon has reported it’s most profitable quarter this year increasing sales by 32.8% globally.

Now we are talking about a company here that was already making BILLIONS before the pandemic, well now, thanks to us all, they have a record revenue of 96.15 BILLION.

You are welcome Jeff!!!

Meanwhile back in the ranch, our local shops are suffering one of the hardest years of their history.

How many times have you passed by a place that has closed down and though “Oh that was a lovely shop, I wonder why it's closed” When was the last time you actually went in and spent money there?

Don’t get me wrong I am not preaching, I can admit that has happened to me too and then I’ve realised I contributed to their closure by not buying their...

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Are you working with the right Green suppliers?



There has never been a more important time to carefully select your Hotel suppliers, as more and more “Eco Products” come into the market.

Careful consideration needs to be taken when looking at new products not to fall under the “Green Washing” market.

I already spoke on a past Blog about compostable coffee cups, and I predict there will be a backlash from society about this product in the coming months. Hotels, restaurants & coffee shops all over the country replaced plastic take away cups for compostable materials, thinking they were doing their bit for the environment, even paying extra for those materials, only to realise a couple of years later that this is not the solution, in fact, it is enhancing the waste problem we have. 

Recommending suppliers is difficult

My customers often ask me for supplier recommendations, and I am normally slow to recommend any particular product, unless I know for sure the company I am recommending...

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