Caring For Our People


Those who work in the hospitality industry are feeling a shift in perspective post-lockdown in Ireland.  Many have remained with their previous employer and have returned for the new season, but some have moved on to a new business or even a new industry.

This lockdown (#3) has given us all time to re-evaluate our business practices, but have we taken the time to reflect on the impact our business has on our employees?

We need to acknowledge, identify and manage the impact, both positive and negative, a business has on its people.

Number eight of the UN Sustainability Goals is “Decent work and economic growth”.  We can make both a reality without one negating the other.  There are many positives to taking care of each other:  Morale increases along with productivity, new business customers and partners are attracted, retaining of talented employees and trust built in the local community.

Corporate sustainability has human rights as one of its...

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Help! How do I engage my team with new ‘Green’ actions?


Last week I was invited to speak at the Hospitality & Tourism Expo organized by the Restaurants Association of Ireland.

When I finished my presentation the audience and I had an opportunity for a quick Q&A, with one questions coming up several times:

How can I get my team to engage with Green Actions?

This is a recurring issue for many business owners and a difficult barrier to get through.

While I do not have all the answers, namely because this barrier involves human psychology and our adversity to “change”… I do have 8 tips that you can try out:

  1. You cannot implement a Green Programme alone if you run a medium to large business. Period. You will need a Green Manager and a Green Team. Choose these people with care. The first instinct here would be to work with all your heads of department, but while they need to be involved in some capacity, it is important that you do not forget about your Junior Staff. There might be many hidden “green...
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