Our Year of Hope Vol. 4 - Understory

We are delighted to present the fourth volume in our "Year of Hope" 2024 blog series.

At FSG, we have decided to focus our energy and efforts into spotlighting small, community driven sustainability projects from anywhere in the world that are operating on a grass roots level.

The world of sustainability itself can often be perceived as a minefield. From the enormity of the climate crisis, CSRD regulations and measuring carbon emissions, the efforts being made on the field by individuals or groups can often get overshadowed.

However, we always say at FSG, that small actions do count, especially when being carried out by many. This blog series will endeavor to highlight those people or communities who are driving REAL action.

We hope their stories inspire you, and more importantly that they spark hope.

Our fourth Story of Hope - is shining a spotlight on Understory - an environmental education and zero-waste organisation founded by Alex Konieczka.

"Understory was founded to...

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Our Year of Hope Vol. 3 - Vedda Organic Teas and Natural Medicines


For the year of 2024, the team here at Fifty Shades Greener have decided to focus our energy and efforts into spotlighting small, community driven sustainability projects from anywhere in the world that are operating on a grass roots level.

The world of sustainability itself can often be perceived as a minefield. From the enormity of the climate crisis, CSRD regulations and measuring carbon emissions, the efforts being made on the field by individuals or groups can often get overshadowed.

However, we always say at FSG, that small actions do count, especially when being carried out by many. This blog series will endeavor to highlight those people or communities who are driving REAL action.

We hope their stories inspire you, and more importantly that they spark hope.


Our third story of hope focuses on Vedda organic herbal teas and natural medicines.

This company started by Revatha Shah brings you small batch, organic and ethically sourced time-tested...

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Our Year of Hope Vol. 1 - Recycle Bike Hub


To begin 2024, the FSG team decided to focus our energy and efforts into spotlighting small, community driven sustainability projects from anywhere in the world that are operating on a grass roots level. 

The world of sustainability itself can often be perceived as a minefield. From the enormity of the climate crisis, CSRD regulations and measuring carbon emissions, the efforts being made on the field by individuals or groups can often get overshadowed. 

However, we always say at FSG, that small actions do count, especially when being carried out by many. This blog series will endeavor to highlight those people or communities who are driving REAL action.  

We hope their stories inspire you, and more importantly that they spark hope. 

Our first story of hope comes from the Recycle Bike Hub, based in Winchester in the UK. 

On first hearing about what this group of volunteers do and have achieved to date, we knew we wanted to spotlight them for our first ...

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DIY Sustainable Cleaning Products - Put To the Test!

At Fifty Shades Greener sustainability is a priority in everything which we do.

In this spirit it was decided that as a team we would each test out different homemade DIY environmentally friendly cleaning recipes and share our experiences in a blog.

Giving our readers insight as to what solutions are just that and what one’s are best missed!


Why is it your interest to bother to make your own eco friendly cleaning products?

Better Air quality

Commercial cleaning products contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are dangerous to our health causing eye, nose, and throat irritation as well as headaches, dizziness and memory loss!

Save your Money 

Making your own eco cleaning products is actually more affordable than using commercial brands. Many green products simply use ingredients such as white vinegar, baking soda, water and citrus.

Better for our planet

Toxic chemicals from cleaning products are flushed down the drain and enter our waterways. Using...

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SDG Series - Reduced Inequalities - Sustainable Development Goal 10


In 2015, leaders from 193 different countries agreed 17 global goals they felt the world needed to achieve by 2030. Sustainable Development Goal 10 aims to reduce inequality within and among countries.


Equality is fundamental to a stable, just, prosperous, and peaceful society

At the heart of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals is the hope and ambition to make certain that no one is left behind, a vision which can only be achieved by addressing the quality of life of the most vulnerable of today’s society.

Inequalities based on age, income, sex, disability, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, access to services and opportunity continue to exist across the globe. This threatens long-term social and economic development and reduces people’s sense of fulfilment and self-worth.

Sustainability is wholly incompatible with inequality.




How can we be affected by Inequality?:


Intergenerational Poverty/ Inequality


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The 7 basic steps to reduce your carbon emissions


Allow us to steal 3 minutes of your time today to show you just how simple it is to reduce your hotel’s carbon footprint and even achieve carbon neutrality. 

Sustainability is a word that is thrown around constantly and in so many scenarios that it becomes an unachievable task and a blurry concept in our minds. So we want to demystify 'sustainability' and break it into actionable steps: 

Calculate your current Carbon Emissions

Once again, this is easier than you might think.

  1. Firstly you need to begin to analyse and understand your utility bills for waste, water and energy. 
  2. Set up a system and assign a person from your team to monitor the CO2 kg produced at your business every month – this person is going to be your Green Manager who should report to you and the rest of the time periodically. 
  3. Observe your building, where and when is energy being used, where and when is water being used and where and what waste is being...
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70% of Food Waste Produced by Hotels and Restaurants is actually avoidable!


Do you own or run a Hospitality Business? And do you know how much money are you putting in the bin? 

There is a staggering statistic that 70% of the Food Waste produced by Hotels and Restaurants is actually avoidable. While we are putting food in the bin there are millions of people starving in other countries but for this piece we are going to move away from the human side of this problem, and look at it from an angle that motivates the majority of business owners: Cost Savings!

Stop throwing your money in the bin 

Putting food in the bin is quite literally the equivalent of putting your hard-earned cash in the bin. Of all waste types, this absolutely applies to food waste because of the many elements you have to factor in; 

  1. You have purchased the raw produce at a cost. 
  2. You have stored at your premises in fridges and freezers and therefore using energy that also costs you money.
  3. You have then cooked it, using energy as well as staff wages to...
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Sustainability is the starting point and Circularity is the end game

The linear economy or “take-make-use-waste” model is being exposed for its severe negative consequences environmentally. 

Society is realising that our systems are no longer serving us. On our current trajectory worldwide, waste generation will have increased by 70% by 2050 – that’s 3.4 billion metric tons! (Global waste generation - statistics & facts | Statista). 

The message of reduce, reuse, repair, repurpose and then recycle is slow to take real effect in counteracting this waste problem.  In the Hospitality industry we need to rethink: not what we offer but how we offer it –and the consequential waste from our decisions.  

The Hotel Yard 

One missed opportunity is when renovations are taking place at a Hospitality property.  Furniture, which is still perfectly useable is being thrown in the skip in large quantities. There is an alternative. Fifty Shades Greener has collaborated with Otolo, a global online...

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Creating a culture of green leadership

Creating a any new culture in an organisation can feel daunting, particularly for industries recovering from the impact of the pandemic.

Professor Christina Edger from Birmingham City Business School highlighted 4 types of leadership from the Covid crisis: Deniers (angry, denied how the crisis affected their business), opportunists (used Covid-19 as an excuse for poor performance with other factors at play i.e. poor leadership), pragmatists (accepted different stages of the crisis, addressing issues speedily) and inspirers (able to see the bigger picture, care for their people as the crisis affected society as a whole).

The questions remain; how do we inspire our team, how do we encourage trust? How do we share our green values?


There are several leadership models and theories, but Brené Brown has highlighted 4 key skill sets every leader should possess and develop:

1. The ability to be vulnerable, to have the hard conversations.

2. Share one’s values clearly...

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Sustainability in Film & TV


Lockdown life was and is tough. People do what they can to get through it and one such thing for me, was watching TV in the evening. Escapism was easy and I am privileged to have access to free TV and films. 

Viewing my favourite shows however, I began to notice something that I hadn’t before. The vast majority of our TV and film productions are reflections of our own lives and reality. We see ourselves in the characters and how they live their lives and that’s often why we enjoy a show so much. The simple, daily tasks they carry out are much the same as ourselves.

Daily actions such as purchasing a takeaway coffee - how often do you see the character bring a keep cup? The storyline doesn’t have to revolve around this but for me, it should be normalised behaviour at the very least. Do they have a keep water bottle when working out on screen? Or is it a plastic bottle? Do they segregate waste as they discuss the latest local love affair in the kitchen?


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