An update on the #SaucyChallenge campaign!


Hi Guys! 

In this week’s thought of the week I wanted to give you a quick update on the #SaucyChallenge, number 4 & 6 are my favourite updates!!

  1. Keep your photos coming: So many people have sent us photos of their local pubs, restaurants and cafes that are not using individually wrapped sauces. I am humbled by the public’s reaction to this campaign and all I can say is a massive THANK YOU to all of you for supporting it. Keep those pictures coming!! As I want this campaign to be based in positivity, I will never name and shame a business that uses individually wrapped sauces or condiments, instead, I will champion those that have already made a change or that are whiling to make the change required to abolish them.


  1. Keep talking to your local business: I have receive 3 phone calls so far, from business owners that heard about the campaign through their own customers so again WOW, a massive thank you to all of you that are highlighting the issue with...
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Why did our Climate Action Plan not include Seaweed?


This weeks thought of the week could be no other than the new Climate Action Plan announced by our government last Monday. While I welcome the plan and it’s ambitious targets of Carbon reduction, I feel this plan is going to hurt those that have less incomes expenditure and benefit those that already make a lot of money, as now, they will also save more money than us middle class and lower income families.

Reading the report I got the niggling feeling that we are taking the “easy way out” by putting the burden of taxes to the public without properly investing and researching into innovative sustainable ways to reduce our Carbon output. Is this a punishment to kill the #GreenWave movement in Ireland?

Electric Vehicles and House retrofitting. Yes, I agree, it would be wonderful to implement this for every family in Ireland, but the plan fails to explain how? Where are we all going to get the €50,000 to €100,000, per household, required to comply with EV and...

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The first step to reduce waste at your hospitality business


So this week, instead of writing my Thought of the Week I wanted to start giving you some handy tips that any Hospitality business can take to start reducing their Waste production, and what happens when you produce less waste?? You save MONEY off your waste bill!

Waste is one of the biggest challenges of our times. Waste production continues to increase, Ireland is facing a potential waste mountain with no place to go, for some facts and stats continue reading to the end of this blog.

The first step to reducing Waste at your hospitality business – CHECK YOUR BINS!!!

I know this is a job nobody likes, I did it myself and I did not like it!! But one thing is for sure, I learned from it, and I reduced our Waste by 30% in one year by applying very simple actions, and the very first one is WATCHING YOUR BINS!

Checking your bins allows you to understand what waste is produced at your business, so you can take action to reduce some of it or abolish some items completely.

Check your...

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When did we start accepting plastic is the new normal?


Last week I had a radio interview with NearFM about the #SaucyChallenge, and one of the questions Sabrina asked me was "When did all these single packaging starter?" and that got me thinking...

Shopping Frustrations

I don’t know about you but I am quite often absolutely shocked about the way shops, supermarkets, etc package the stuff I buy. Here is what happens, I bring my own reusable bag to put my shopping into, when I buy some fresh fish, they place it in a plastic bag and give it to me, I go to the check out till and the attendant puts the fish (already inside a bag), into a brown paper bag, for me to place the fish that is inside a bag, now wrapped on a second bag into my shopping bag. What the hell?? When did I start accepting plastic as the new normal?

And it is not only fish, the same happens when I buy firelighters, which come in a box, which also has a second plastic bag inside the box already. The level of separation from my firelighters to my skin is...

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Green your Hospitality Business with Online Training


So the very first think to say is apologies for the egotistical blog! This one is about me and the Online training courses I have created to help Green Hospitality Businesses. 

My Story

My name is Raquel. I'm originally from Spain but I have lived in Ireland for the last 20 years working in the Hospitality Industry. And yes, I completely understand how hard it is to take on new projects, or new challenges, while still being busy serving the visitor that is in front of you.

I have been working with Hospitality businesses for over 3 years now as a consultant, and it never fails, the starting point of every business owner I have met is the perception that Greening their business is going to cost them a fortune, and as you can imagine, that brings apprehension and a reluctance to change.

I Started my own Green Journey at Hotel Doolin, I was working there as the Sales & Marketing manager and my General manager at the time called me to tell me he wanted to run a...

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The #GreenWave, a time for reflection


The days after an election are times for reflection. I am so proud of the Irish, I have always loved this country, but now I can also say I love it’s modern society. A society that is inclusive and caring of all, it’s people and it’s place.

The media and social platforms keep talking about the #GreenWave, but I am not sure I agree with that term. To me, a wave is something that comes and goes, a force of nature that picks and then retreats. That is exactly the opposite of what we need, what we need is a complete change in mindset. A completely different way to look at our own lives, our jobs, our businesses and our government policies.

I wrote a blog about this a couple of weeks back, the perception out there is that running a  "Green Business" means spending a huge amount of money. Investing in solar panels, geothermal heating systems and a bunch of new technology not everyone can afford. And yes, investing in new technologies will of course reduce your...

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Join me on the #SaucyChallenge and help me Green the Hospitality Industry one step at the time!!


Hi Guys!

After last week’s Thought of the week, and after discovering that Tourism could possibly be the most polluting Industry in the world in the future I have decided to take action, but I need your help!!!

My mission, is to Green the Hospitality Industry one step at the time. The big dream is to run an international campaign that will reach businesses all over the globe, but I want to start at home, in Ireland, after all, are we not known to be the Green Island or Emerald Island? It is time to live up to our name!!

So here is the challenge, and how you can get behind it, weather you are in the industry or not.

One of the big pain points of my life are Individually wrapped condiments, the Mayonnaise, ketchup, sugar, salt, butter, etc. You see them all over food service businesses, bars, restaurants, cafes, hotels… Every time a packet is opened, the wrapping ends up in Landfill. Now this might seem like a small thing to you, but consider this, imagine a food business...

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Why does the Environmental conversation always starts so big?

Today I looked at the definition of a “Green Hotel” and here is what google sent back to me from Wikipedia:

“An eco-hotel, or a green hotel, is an environmentally sustainable hotel or accommodation that has made important environmental improvements to its structure in order to minimize its impact on the natural environment.”

“Making environmental improvements to it’s structure”? It’s a bit much isn’t it? If I was a business owner, curious about greening my business, I would close the page and forget about greening my business straight away.

Improvements to a structure evoke to me SPENDING MONEY. Not just money, a small fortune more than likely.

I have always wondered, why does the Environmental conversation always start so big? Why does it keep asking regular people in the ground to insulate their homes, or buy solar panels, or invest thousands of €€€ in structural reforms in order to...

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